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Tuesday, 8 September 2015

I am Back and It's Minion time !

Well hey there food lovers , been a while since I've written a post as to be honest I have given up . But as once Julia Child said “...no one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.”  and so I decided I shall keep on trying and not give up on something I love to do . So here we are couple months later not giving up . 

So for you today I have this cute minion Cake that looks amazing and tastes even better but most importantly easy to do  . It's  a great cake for a children's party ( or in some cases adults as well , as I won't complain if I got one on my birthday)

What you'll need 

  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Milk
  • 1/2 cup Butter
  • 1.5 cups Flour 
  • 1 & 3/4 Tsp Baking powder
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tsp Vanilla extract 
  • Food colouring 

For Decoration 

  • Black Fondant 
  • Yellow Fondant 
  • Brown Fondant 
  • White Fondant 
  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 3.5 cups confectioners' sugar
  • 1 tsp milk 
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt  

  1. Preheat the oven at 170 degrees c
  2. In a large bowl mix together the butter and sugar until getting a sand like consistency
  3. Add in the vanilla and eggs and cream together 
  4. Combine the flour and baking powder adding in slowly the milk until getting a smooth mixture 
  5. Now comes the fun part pick a colour of your choice , I picked Blue and Red as I baked two Cakes to stack . Mix in the food colouring adding in few drops at a time , remember you can go darker but can't go lighter 
  6. Pour the mixture in a greased pan and bake for 35 minutes , or until a toothpick comes out clean 
  7. Once it's ready let it cool down 

Butter Cream 
  1. Mix together the softened butter and Confectioners's Sugar until getting a smooth mixture 
  2. add in the milk , Vanilla and salt and mix well together until all is creamed 
Now let's get Decorating ! 
  1. Once your cakes are cooled we are going to stack them , by placing a dollop of butter cream in on one cake and spreading it evenly in a thin layer and stack the second cake on top 
  2. Now we need to crumb coat our cakes , a crumb coat is the first thin layer of butter cream to hold in all the crumbs . Once the cake is crumb coated chill for 10 - 15 minutes
  3.  Now it's time to second coat your cake with butter cream trying to get it as smooth as possible and once this is done put the cake in the fridge
  4. While the cake is in the fridge so that the butter creams firms up , we start by rolling out our yellow fondant and for my cake I used 400g of fondant. While rolling the fondant always check that it isn't sticking to your surface and if it is put some confectioners' sugar on to your surface 
  5. Get the cake out of the fridge 
  6. Once rolled out , start from one end slowly and lightly rolling the fondant onto the the rolling pin and transfer it onto the cake ( you can find a link down below of my all time favourite Youtube Channel How to Cake it , and you can see how it's done, she's amazing ) 
  7. Once the cake is covered you start from the top using a smoother , smoothing the top working your way downward slowly to remove any creases ( remember practice makes perfect)
  8. now we are going to start the minions eyes , using a circle cookie cutter , cut to white circles out of fondant , and using a smaller cutter cut two brown circles , this will make the pupils of the eyes and by using an even smaller one cut two black circles to complete the eyes and stick them to the cake using a small brush and some water.
  9. Now for the goggles , combine a small amount of black and white fondant a mix them well together until you get the desired grey colour. Roll the fondant into a thin cylinder shape and wrap around the eyes 
  10. For the goggle straps you need a piece of thinly rolled out black fondant  cut into a strip measuring that is enough to cover from the edge of the goggles till the ends of the cake 
  11. With the remaining black fondant , you need to roll it int a cylinder to for the hair and the minion smile 
  12. I then cut out some letters and stars to stick around the cake to right out the birthday boy's name
  13. That's it you got a lovely minion cake . 
Bon appetit & never give up 
